CorrectiveMaintenance as aPercentage of Total
Maintenance – Taweelah
Ratio of Corrective toPreventativeMaintenance
at Ras-Laffan
2008 2009 2010
BusinessContinuityManagement (BCM)
TheEmergencyManagement Team (EMT)
objective is toput inplace
arrangements that would
allowDolphinEnergy to
resume operations as quickly
as possible in the event of
an emergency or crisis. A
holisticmanagement process
designed towork inparallel
with, and as a complement
to, existing emergency
and crisis response
arrangements, BCMwill
identify critical activities
for all business units and
departments company-wide,
diagnosepotential threats
to the company, assess
the impact of disruptionof
critical activities, provide
a framework for building
resilience, and finally develop
a capability for effective crisis
response, specifically, a
response that safeguards the
interests of the company’s
key stakeholders, reputation,
brand, and value-creating
activities. Preparatory
scenarioswill be established
to ensurebusiness continuity
during any crisis.
Teams (EMTs) held three
large-scale emergency drills
and exercises inMay, June
andDecember of 2011, in
bothQatar and theUAE,
thus exceeding the target
of holding at least twodrills
per year. TheDecember drill
was a “Table Top” exercise
enacting emergency and
crisismanagement scenarios
which tookplace at Dolphin
Energy’s offices. During the
drill teammemberswere
required toplan and execute
a company-wide response
to abarrage of problem
scenarios. Representatives
of stakeholders from five
policedepartments, fire
departments, and theUAE
National Emergency and
CrisisManagement Authority
were in attendance, aswere
many other stakeholders.
ProcessSafetyManagement (PSM)
ThePSMprogram forms
adisciplined framework
formanaging the integrity
of safety critical operating
systems andprocesses
by applyinggooddesign
principles in engineering,
operating, andmaintenance.
The initiativewill encourage
a shift in focus from
occupational or personal
safety toprocess safety,
whichwill complement the
occupational safety and
environmental protection
already implementedby
DolphinEnergy. Awork
group has been established
and a groupof process
safetymetrics has been set
as the first priority. Reporting
onPSMwill begin in2012.
An important part of
process safetymanagement
is performing equipment
maintenance on aproactive
basis; before equipment fails.
The followingKPIsmeasure
the effectiveness of
this practice.