MohammadAl Shaabi joinedDolphinEnergyonOctober of 2011as anassociate
Engineer after graduating fromQatarUniversity at the topof his class.Mohammadgives
ushisperspectiveonworking forDolphinEnergy, Sustainability, andQatarization.
Can you tell us a littlebit
about yourself?
My current job:
I am anAssociateProcess
Engineer in the Technical
Department, based inDoha.
Mymain responsibilities are
to familiarizemyself with
themain features of the
plant at Ras Laffan, perform
modifications and conduct
research that will help
improveplant performance,
either bymaking itmore
environmentally friendly or by
increasing its capacity.
Myday at DolphinEnergy:
I startmy day by reading
my emails tomake sure
that I amup todatewith
developments. After that, I
writedownmy tasks for the
day andget onwith trying
my best toget themdone.
One thing I try todo is to
learn something new every
day because it will helpme
improvemy performance.
My career goals are:
• To improvemyself and
be abetter person everyday
•My dreamgoal is tobe
theMinister of Industry
here inQatar.
What is themost exciting
thing in your job at
Whatmakesmy job so
exciting is the combination
of thework environment,
my colleagues and the
challenges I face. The
environment here is so
special and unique and I can
say thatmy colleagues are
one supportive family.
My challenges:
I pushmyself hardand
challengemyself to learn,
understandand thenapply
what I have learned. Being
anengineer isahuge
challenge formebecause
whatever youknow,whatever
you study, you realize there
is somuchmore to learn
Youhave recently graduated
from university. Can you tell
us about your educational
I graduated fromQatar
EngineeringDepartment as a
Chemical Engineer in 2011. I
attained a cumulativeGPAof
4.0out of 4.0 andwas on the
Dean’s list since 2007.
I was recently honored
with the goldenmedal for
being the top student in
Qatar University and had
the enormous privilege of
meetingTheEmir of Qatar,
KhalifaAl Thani. Seeingmy
parentswearing thebest
smile I have ever seen inmy
lifemademe very proud.
Being at the topof your
class, youmust have had a
lot of joboffers.Whatmade
you chooseDolphinEnergy?
I didhave a lot of job
offers and it was really
difficult forme to choose.
To help, I benchmarkedmy
options by listing all the key
factors that would helpme
decide - company reputation,
theworking environment,
salary package andothers.
I thengraded each company
and found thebest was
support your transition into
I was given an individual
development planwhich
outlines very clearlywhat
I am expected to achieve
andbywhen – setting clear
goals in thiswaywas very
helpful. To support this, I
have amentor whohelps
guideme inmy development
andprovides advicewhen I
need it.
What does sustainability
mean to you?
Well I understand that
sustainability focuses on
threemain areas – the
environment, the economy
and society. I also know that
itmeans that we should all
think about howour actions
todaywill have an inevitable
impact onpeople in the
future. To that end, we need
to think and act responsibly.
Howdoes it impact your role
at DolphinEnergy and career
By embedding theprinciples
of sustainability into the
business, we are aligning
howwework andoperate.
We focus on continuous
improvement and ensure
wedo everythingwe can to
meet our targets andhelp
strengthenour performance.
Howdo youdescribe
DolphinEnergy’s approach
perspective, I think that as
weareoffered trainingand
development programs,
theopportunity towork in
apositiveenvironment and
utilize theskillsandexpertise
of all our colleagues,Dolphin
Energy isprovidingall the
toolsnecessary togrow
MohammadAl Shaabi:WhyDolphinEnergy?