Nationalizationat DolphinEnergy
DolphinEnergy supports
the value of developing its
national residents’ capacity,
skills, and expertise. The
company is dedicated
to engagingwith young
talent, both internally and
in institutes of learning
within theUAE andQatar,
to improve their skills,
professional capacity, and
ultimately their contributions.
Accordingly, DolphinEnergy’s
nationalizationeffortsgo far
beyond the simple tracking
of thenationalization rate
within theworkforce. Dolphin
Energy’sdedication to
is expressed in twoareas:
strong relationshipswith local
universities andeducational
institutions, extensive training
anddevelopment of national
employees, and resulting in
increases in thecompany’s
nationalization rates.
The summer training
trainingopportunities and
scholarships tonationals.
“The summer program
helps attract young, bright
Qataris to thecompany.
opportunities todeepenour
relationshipwith leading
educational institutions in
the stateof Qatar,”Adel
AhmedAlbuainain, General
Manager of DolphinEnergy
Qatar, explained. In2011,
intern studentshailed from
institutions asdiverseas
Qatar University, theCollege
of theNorthAtlantic, Texas
A&MUniversity, and three
high schools. InQatar,
DolphinEnergywas awarded
theShukranAward2011 from
TexasA&MUniversity for
its continual support
of theuniversity.
DolphinEnergy’s support
of theYoungFutureEnergy
Leaders program (YFEL)
at theWorldFutureEnergy
Summit (WFES) comprises
another of its significant
community efforts. The
150 students and young
professionals aplatform to
learn about the renewable
energy initiatives being
undertaken in theUAE.
The company’s contributions
also extend toparticipation
in intellectual capacity
building events. Dolphin
Energy joined a seminar
held at NYU inAbuDhabi in
collaborationwith theAbu
Dhabi SustainabilityGroup
(ADSG). The seminar panel
discussed the role of private
andpublic institutions in
implementing sustainability,
andwas followedby a
question-and-answer session
with the audience. Ali Al
Rahbi, VPQHSE&Security,
on thepanel.