Community Engagement
DolphinEnergyhasactivelypursued initiatives to increasecommunity
engagement inboth theUAEandQatar.
DolphinEnergyhasestablishedaCommunityLiaisonOfficer (CLO) position.
TheCLO liaiseswith localmunicipalitiesandcommunitiesonproject-related
mattersandassesses the impactsof operationsor decommissioning
activities. TheCLO is responsible formaintenance of the stakeholder
engagement register either through theEngineeringProcurement and
Construction (EPC) contractor/ESIA consultant or during the operational
phasewith theUAEOperationsHSE team.
In 2010, DolphinEnergy formed a community stakeholder engagement
team under theUAEGasNetwork (UAEGN) ProtectionCampaign.
The campaignwas established inorder to enhance relationshipswith
government authorities, clients, third-party entities and thepublic, which
are involved inor affectedbyDolphin’s day-to-day operations.
Theprimary tasks carriedout by the campaign focus on awareness
initiatives to increasemulti-party communication channels andoverall
understandingof the gas network.
DolphinEnergy is also a founding sponsor of theEmirates Foundation,
a leadingphilanthropic foundation in theUAE. TheEmiratesFoundation
representsaunique,multi-stakeholder andmulti-sector effort tocreatenew
opportunities for thepeopleof theUAEandaddresskeychallenges.
RasLaffanCity (RLC) is thegovernment agencymanagingRas Laffan, and
is theprincipal interfacewith the surrounding communities throughwhich
all communications aredirected. Through theRLC, operators, including
DolphinEnergy, are able to collectively engagewith and respond to
community concerns and share the responsibility for resultantmitigation
measures. Theprocess of community engagement has been formalized
through theRLCCommunityOutreachProgramme. Theprogramme
ensures that two-way engagement processes are conducted, focusing
on creating a respectful, trust-basedpartnershipbetween industry and
the communities. Through this programme, Dolphinparticipated in
various safety schooling and road safety awareness
campaigns and studies that assess the needs of the
nearby communities anddevelopment projects aimed
at women and the general population.
DolphinEnergy has alsobeen amajor sponsor of
theQatar Foundation since 2007; the Foundation
supports thedevelopment and enhancement of
educational, institutional and cultural valueswithin
theState of Qatar. DolphinEnergy has participated in
numerous education initiativeswith local universities,
career fairs and community programs.
OurManagement Approach
DolphinEnergy engageswith
and invests in the communities
and societieswhere it operates.
DolphinEnergy aims tobe aproud
contributor to these societies,
engaging in long-termpartnerships
with local stakeholders. Goals
include safe and environmentally
friendly operations, targeted
community initiatives, respect for
and contribution topreserving
the heritage and culture of the
region, supporting institutional
capacity buildingof government
agencies, andhelpingbuild new
long-term industries that create
local economic growth, employment
opportunities, professional
development and social
development opportunities for the
citizens of the region.
DolphinEnergy uses stakeholder
engagement as a keymeans of
identifying andprioritizing relevant
risks, opportunities, impacts, and
stakeholder interests. The company
has formalized several stakeholder
engagementmechanisms, as
outlined in the “Community
Engagement” sectionbelow.
DolphinEnergy alsoperiodically
assesses the social impacts of its
operations duringperformance
appraisals of theOperations
Environmental Management Plan
(OEMP) andwhendevelopingor
updating theAspects and
Impacts register.