DolphinEnergy has a longstanding commitment to
protectingbiodiversity. The company’s two areas of greatest
effort and importance include coral habitat conservation and turtle
protection. In2010, amajor study on reef growthwas concluded;
having started in2008, theEcoReefs project was a study on the
growthpotential of artificial reefs ‘EcoReef’ compared to natural
habitats. DolphinEnergy deployed 576 artificial ‘EcoReef’modules
off Ras Laffan Industrial City andmonitored colonization anddiversity
ofmarine species on the installed reefs in select areas near the
pipeline. Theproject cost over USD1million to implement.
• Initiate awater treatment and reuse feasibility study for Ras LaffanPlant
• BeginRecyclingprogram at DolphinEnergy’s residential communities
• Optimizeplant operations andminimizeprocess upsets and
consequential unplanned flaring; targeting 0.3%
continuous flaringof sweet gas production
• Target 700 kwh energy savings from theGreen IT Initiative