InvestigatingFurtherWater RecyclingOpportunities inDolphin’sOperations
Dolphin is tendering an engineering
feasibility study in2011 todetermine
the feasibility of removingKinetic
Hydrate Inhibitors (KHI) from the
re-injectedwastewater stream.
KHIs are chemicals typically used in
the oil andgas industry todelay the
formationof hydrates in thepipeline,
which can causeproduction
disruptions. An alternative to the use
of KineticHydrate Inhibitors (KHI) is
the use of ThermodynamicHydrate
Inhibitorswhich lower the hydrate
formation (THI). Themost common
(THI) ismonoethylene glycol.
Dolphinwill conduct feasibility
studies todetermine howKHI can
be removed from the re-injection
wastewater stream and how to
recyclemost of the re-injectedwater
as desalinatedor irrigationwater
from the re-injectedwastewater
by 2014.
DolphinEnergy’s facilities generatedomestic non-hazardouswaste for
whichdisposal ismanagedby local municipalities. Non-hazardous
industrial waste is sent to approved landfill sites bymeans of private
contractors under awastemanifest. Hazardouswastes generated
include liquidwaste oil and solidwastes such as solid sulfur, process
sludge andprocess filters. The liquidoil is recycled and the solid
hazardousmaterial is separated and stored in temporary hazardous
storage facilities tobe transported for treatment and/or disposal at
authorized facilities.
Waste generated throughDolphinEnergy’s operations increased in 2010
by 48%primarly as a result of two reasons. Firstly, the solidhazardous
wastewhichhas been kept in adedicated andproperly engineered
waste storage area, within theDolphinplant inRas Laffan, was disposed
of for the first time since 2007; the hazardouswastewas properly
transported and treated at an approved hazardouswaste treatment
facility inQatar. Secondly, DolphinEnergy has increased the scope
Water Transported for
Treatment (Tons)