Upon thedevelopment of the corporate sustainability
strategy in 2009-10, DolphinEnergy actedpurposefully by
restructuring the corporatebusiness plan tobe indirect
alignment withDolphin’s sustainability priority issues, key
performancemeasures, and targets.
“After publishingour
first sustainability report, wequickly saw the importance
and value in the goals andKPIs captured through a
sustainability perspective,”
saidRaniaAl Dhaheri, Headof
EconomicAnalysiswith theStrategic andCorporatePlanning
Department (S&CP). After embedding all of the sustainability
perspectives and themes defined in the sustainability
report intoDolphinEnergy’s company-widebusiness plan,
departmentswere also encouraged to align their own
objectives andmeasures to the sustainability strategy.
“The alignment was very important so as to ensureDolphin
Energy staff put their efforts intopulling the organization in
the samedirection.”
Rania goes on to explain,
companies dependon their employees every singleday.
It is important that DolphinEnergy employees understand
where the company is headed, andwhat the corporate
anddepartmental goals are so that they can also align their
personal goals inmeeting the strategic objectives.”
adopted all newKPIs anddefinedgoals into thebusiness plan;
thedepartment is alsoworkingwith IT to have theseKPIs
integrated intoDolphin’s performancemanagement system,
whichwill helpgenerate sustainability data on amonthly
andquarterly basis. Tobuilddepartmental understanding
and integrate sustainability into their own strategicplanning
processes, DolphinEnergy is planning a series of seminars in
2011 to traindepartments on how sustainability affects their
business units. Furthermore, S&CP is planning todevelop a
‘strategicbalanced scorecard’ at Dolphin in2011, whichwill
bedirectly developed from the sustainability themes. This tool
will focus thewhole organizationon the key objectives, which
will lead to contributions from every single employee and
achieve overall performance excellence.
SustainabilityCore toDolphinEnergy’s
well-received in
withall departments
usonachieving it.